Which philosopher are you?
Terina Darcey's result: Aristotle
Truth does not exist in some transcendent realm.
We get to truth by applying reason to the physical world. The world follows
logic and commonsense. Science if done properly is not too far from philosophy.
Plato (strict rationalists) 81%
W.v.O. Quine / Late Wittgenstein 60%
Early Wittgenstein / Positivists 46%
Immanuel Kant 41%
Sartre/Camus (late existentialists) 34%
Nietzsche 7%
Take this quiz. It was fun.
Your recommended philosophy-guru is ARISTOTLE.
Key fact: The star pupil of Plato.
Must have: A desire to study the world and see what it reveals.
Key promise: The good life, which comes from living a virtuous life.
Key peril: The virtuous life can be tough.
Most likely to say: "Everything has its proper place."
Least likely to say: "Science is where humanity went wrong."
A deeply rational School of Thought, Platonism seeks to examine and explore above all else. Although we may not reach the answers in this life a Platonist believes they are still out there.
"Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil"
- Plato
You got: Avicenna
You have an intelligence that surprises everyone, even you sometimes. Like Avicenna (980-1037), you have a mind so open, you can sense possibilities before they become obvious. This ability probably gets you dirty looks from traditionalists, but you don't have time to worry about others' disapproval.