Friday, July 18, 2014

Quest 1 First Semester Syllabus

Quest I
Class Schedule 

Week 1: Lecture                                            Week 2: Historical Document & Essay
Week 3: Book Colloquia                               Week 4: Historical Document & Essay

Month 1
Aug. 1: Kickoff/Movie night @6pm @ Sis. E’s house (1416 E 138th Place, Glenpool)
Sept. 4: Lecture: 3 Systems of Education
Sept.11: Colloquia on A place to Stand biography, Document Study on “Defense at the Diet of Wyrms” & Blue Book on Martin Luther
Sept. 18: Colloquia on Give Me Liberty biography, Document Study on  “Give me Liberty or Give Me Death”, & Martin Luther Paper due.  Blue Book on Patrick Henry.
Sept. 25: Colloquia on 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens 

Month 2
Oct. 2: Lecture: Keys to Leadership Education: 7 Keys, 5 Environments, 4 Phases, & 7 Habits paper due
Oct. 8: (tentative date)  Colloquia on Lincoln: A Photo biography, Document Study on “Gettysburg Address”, & Blue Book on Abraham Lincoln
Oct.16: No classes (Fall Break)
Oct.23: Colloquia on Ender’s Shadow & Abraham Lincoln Paper Due
Oct.30: Colloquia on Fiery Vision biography, Document Study on  “Treason Defense”, & Blue Book on John Brown

Month 3
Nov. 6: Lecture: The Scholarship Ladders & John Brown Paper Due
Nov.13: Colloquia on Fighter Without A Sword biography, document study on “It’s a Sick World”, & Blue Book on Gandhi
Nov. 20: Catch up & Gandhi Paper Due
Nov. 27: No Classes (Thanksgiving)

Month 4 
Dec. 4: Colloquia on My Life with Martin Luther King Jr biography, document study on “I Have a Dream”, & Blue Book on Martin Luther King Jr
Dec. 11: Lecture “6 Keys to Personal Influence”, Martin Luther King paper due, & hand out take home final
Dec. 18: @ Darcey’s 6519 E. 106th Street, Tulsa, OK         Written Blue Book final: Declaration of Independence & practice orals

*All books and schedule are subject to change per mentors’ discretion.

*We will also be scheduling a writing workshop early in the semester and a speech workshop during second semester.  Both of these will be held outside of our regular Thursday classes.

*One book is due weekly, one document study, a 4-6-page research paper, and a 15-minute presentation.  All course work will be graded and D/A’s (do again) will be administered. 

This may be the hardest thing you will ever do thus far yet, remember the words of Elder Bednar, “During difficult experiences… character is built.”          WE KNOW YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS.  

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

3 types of Education -- Week One Lecture Plan

Match the goal, method and philosophy to the Educational system

Independent Thinking Game
Moon Landing   Face to Face with Greatness   recommended by


What does that phrase mean to you? (our first document study research word.)

Quest = a long and arduous search for something.

We hope that this year, you will join our Quest.   Tune in again and keep checking, as the course syllabus will be posted tomorrow.

Student Contract

LFAA Quest Student Agreement

Student _________________________ Mentor(s) ________________________

Address _________________________________________________________

Email _____________________________ Phone _________________________

-I have read and understand the syllabus and class schedule.
-I am prepared to submit to all of the requirements asked of me by my  mentor(s).
-I will have a writing coach to help mentor me with my writing.
-I will keep my conduct and character above reproach, striving to show
 forth an example of statesmanship and nobleness.
-I will attend my weekly Thursday classes; participate in the writing and
 speech workshops as well as any extra activities that may arise
-I will communicate with my mentor(s) should a situation arise that may keep me
 from doing any of the above.

-I have read and understand the syllabus and class schedule.
-I will support my child at every opportunity to succeed in Quest.
-I will facilitate every effort to have my scholar where they need to be, when they need to be there.