Quest I
Class Schedule
Week 1: Lecture Week
2: Historical Document & Essay
Week 3: Book Colloquia Week
4: Historical Document & Essay
Month 1
Aug. 1: Kickoff/Movie night @6pm @ Sis. E’s house (1416 E 138th
Place, Glenpool)
Sept. 4: Lecture: 3 Systems of Education
Sept.11: Colloquia on A place to Stand biography, Document Study on
“Defense at the Diet of Wyrms” & Blue Book on Martin Luther
Sept. 18: Colloquia on Give Me Liberty biography, Document Study
on “Give me Liberty or Give Me Death”, &
Martin Luther Paper due. Blue Book on Patrick Henry.
Sept. 25: Colloquia on 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Month 2
Oct. 2: Lecture: Keys to Leadership Education: 7 Keys, 5 Environments,
4 Phases, & 7 Habits paper due
Oct. 8: (tentative date) Colloquia on Lincoln: A Photo biography, Document Study on “Gettysburg
Address”, & Blue Book on Abraham Lincoln
Oct.16: No classes (Fall Break)
Oct.23: Colloquia on Ender’s Shadow & Abraham Lincoln Paper Due
Oct.30: Colloquia on Fiery Vision
biography, Document Study on “Treason
Defense”, & Blue Book on John Brown
Month 3
Nov. 6: Lecture: The Scholarship Ladders & John Brown Paper Due
Nov.13: Colloquia on Fighter
Without A Sword biography, document study on “It’s a Sick World”, & Blue Book on Gandhi
Nov. 20: Catch up & Gandhi Paper Due
Nov. 27: No Classes (Thanksgiving)
Month 4
Dec. 4: Colloquia on My Life with Martin Luther King Jr biography, document
study on “I Have a Dream”, & Blue Book on Martin Luther King Jr
Dec. 11: Lecture “6 Keys to Personal Influence”, Martin Luther King paper
due, & hand out take home final
Dec. 18: @ Darcey’s 6519 E. 106th Street, Tulsa, OK Written Blue Book final: Declaration of Independence & practice
books and schedule are subject to change per mentors’ discretion.
*We will also be scheduling a writing workshop early in the
semester and a speech workshop during second semester. Both of these will be held outside of our
regular Thursday classes.
*One book is due weekly, one document study, a 4-6-page
research paper, and a 15-minute presentation.
All course work will be graded and D/A’s (do again) will be administered.
This may be the hardest thing you will ever do thus far yet,
remember the words of Elder Bednar, “During difficult experiences… character is