Thursday, September 4, 2014

Week Three Mentor Report

What did I do to prepare?

Conferenced with co-mentor last Monday.  Clarified our plan to switch up week 3 and 4 books, as Lindy has a substitute this week and I am gone next.  We should be back on typical schedule Oct 2.  Youth were aware of this the first day of school.  No surprises.  

Discussed orchestrating a fail/growth day this week, in two areas:
  • Opening the class with a pop quiz so that in two areas class members begin to see the need to step up their study habits,  and annotate with better prepared study notes. 
  • Reviewed and graded blue books, worked on personal essays and studied P Henry. 
Plan for Next week
  • Printed  7 Habits Colloquia, workbook and Essay questions for when I'm gone. 
  • Contact new student parent:  Blake Jones.  
How did class go?   It was successful -- EPIC FAIL.  One girl noted, "I've never even gotten a C before."  I responded, "and you haven't yet.  You got an F which could mean fixable."  We discussed college consequences, how professors can't give you another week on the book.  We discussed good, better, best.  How we build on foundational books and can't miss out on one and the youth decided to meet for a conference call and make-up colloquia together Monday , 11:30 and will crunch over the weekend to study the book.  

Received writing papers from two, requested them all sent email.  

What I would do different?  Go deeper into what is taking all the time.  Found out later one student--who turned in a beautiful eight page writing paper--has disgraphia and could have discussed speech recognition software with her in class.  

Looking forward with renewed spirit to beauty from ashes, 

Week Two  

What did I do to prepare?

             Reviewed reading, and created study guide on Luther, prepared lecture. Created a timeline                          for events in Luther's life.
             Printed and passed out final exam.
             Printed essay questions to prepare for workshop next day.
             Initiated first draft of submission essay and submitted to writing coach. 
            Set up the writing workshop for Friday.

Colloquim:  Went well, Luther's life was nicely personified by the students through the Here I Stand theme.  Saw some breakthrough epiphanies.

What would I do differently?  Will work on having everyone know the answer.  I like the thought that we ask open-ended questions and have them raise their hands as we  ask, so that all can become cognizant of what we are asking before we answer.

Plan for next week?  A switch for week three and four, Patrick Henry since there is a substitute for Lindy.  We will reiterate last two weeks training for the new student.  (WE HOPE BLAKE will join us.  I taught him in seminary this morning and he is a Rock STAR addition to the group. )

Week Three

What did I do to Prepare?  We had a great workshop, learning 5 paragraph essays to start.  Many of our students had not done that yet.   Called on Monday to be sure everyone had first submittal to writing coaches.     Prepared a time-line for P. Henry.

What will I do differently?

Week One

What did we do to prepare?
 Read ahead, Luther, 7 habits, Patrick Henry, Gandhi,
  Calendared events, movie nights,
  Called and texted youth to create excitement.
  Set up the blog:
   Educated myself in the concepts - everything I could find on mentoring,
                  Mindset, Brainstorm, The Element, Tjed,
  Met with co-mentor two days before to solidify responsibilities

Lecture: 3 Systems of Education  Make two games and a matching hands on for class.
Discussion:  Submit, learn to master oneself, mind over matter.  Discussion of the Battle of Marathon and how we gain submission by submitting, the move gravel story,

How did it go?    We have three great students who are overwhelmed and excited simultaneously.  Co-mentor used food visual for three systems.  Very effective.

What would I do differently?   Talk less in class--ask more open enders.

What is the plan for next week?  Luther,


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