Friday, October 3, 2014

Patrick Henry Colloquia

Patrick Henry Colloquia

In 1734, a young Scottish family settle in Hanover County Virginia.  The husband John Henry is a member of Virginia’s landed gentry, a landowner and the wife, ______________ belonged to a fine old Welch family.  In1748, the great awakening took the area by storm and P. Henry see the great speaker and evangelist Samuel Davies.  1751 he clerks in a store and opens his own in 1752, but it fails because he is lazy.   1754, Patrick marries Sara Shelton, becomes land and slave owner of six and tobacco farmer.  That fails and Patrick studies to become a lawyer.  In 1760 he passes the bar after only reading two books and opens a law firm. 

French-Indian war ends, Britain looks for ways to pay war debt and impose new taxes like Sugar Act and Currency Act in 1764.  The Stamp Act and Quartering Act of 1965 provoke the successful lawyer Patrick Henry and as a newly elected member of the House of Burgess, he delivers his famous Caesar-Brutus speech,  "If this be treason, make the most of it!”   When Henry compares Charles III to those tyrants, he is accused of treason and the House of Burgesses’ celebrated resolutions against the tax are passed—and citizens begin the Anti Stamp-Act Revolts.  The British pass a Declaratory Act, which says they have rights over colonies, but repeals the Stamp act.  The Townshend Acts tax glass, lead, paint, paper, and the same year, 1767, English warships sail into Boston Harbor.

1770 Boston Massacre 5 civilians killed by the British, and Townshend and Quartering Acts are repealed but in 1773 Tea Act is enacted giving British East India Trading Company rights s/b merchants.

1773 Henry helps create the Committee of Correspondence, a subversive group of shadow government of all the 13 colonies and in

1773 The Boston Harbor gets the tea.  Dec. 16, Boston Tea Party protest happens.  In response Britain passed five laws called the Intolerable Acts to reign in the patriots and a series of other acts.

1774 Patrick Henry elected to the First Continental Congress.  Met Sept 5- Oct 26.

1775, March 23, Henry delivers his famous speech, “Give me Liberty of Give me Death!”  and two days later is elected to the Second Continental Congress.  The next month his wife Sara dies at Scotchtown. 

1775, Also in April Paul Revere warns the Bostonians of war and the next month, Governor Dunmore issues an edict against Patrick Henry.  And during the battles of Lexington and Concord, the first shots were fired. 

May 6, 1775 Governor Dunmore issues edict against Patrick Henry

June 15, 1775 Continental Army formed with Geo. Washington general and commander.

August 29,1775  Patrick Henry is elected commander-in-chief of the Virginia militia. 
February 28, 1776: Patrick Henry resigns military command

June 29, 1776   Henry elected governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and helps to write the Virginia Constitution - the Virginia Declaration of Rights

July 4, 1776 Thomas Jefferson presents the Declaration of Independence

1777  Reelected governor of Virginia  Became a five time governor--he declined sixth term. 

1777  October  marries Dorothea Dandridge – together have eleven children

1782  Final battle of Revolutionary War

1783 War ends,  Paris signs the Treaty, Sept 3, Treaty of Paris signed.

1784  January -- Officially the war is 'or.
1786 declines election to his sixth term  as governor of VA and resumes law practice.

1788  Elected to the VA  Constitutional Convention.

1788 No Bill of Rights causes Henry HATE.   VA ratifies constitution 89 to 79 but no bill of rights makes Henry opposed.

1791, Patrick Henry finally won.  The month after Patrick Henry resigns from the House of Delegates, the Bill of Rights is ratified by the USA.

1794-96   1794-1796: Henry declines sixth term as governor of Virginia and appointments as U. S. Senator, Chief Justice, Secretary of State, and ambassador to Spain and France due to his failing health

1799 Mar. 4, Gives final speech in March, at Charolette Courthouse and

June 6, 1799 Patrick Henry dies of stomach cancer. Ald lang syne.  Old long time.

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