Mt St. Helens erupted, falling ash 100's of miles away obscured the sky. Birds flew into headlights, windows because they were seeking light.
"In times of desperation and confusion, we seek for hope and light--let us always walk in God's light. You are the future leaders of churches, and of the world. You will be leaders in your classes, callings, occupations, family and as religion comes out of obscurity into the light you will be light to others." Sister Samuelson 1-6-2009
Why is it important that you are in this class?

Introduction: Why are we taking this class. Divide up the following article and ask youth to read and explain their own reasons from the info they are given.
"Much of America's illiteracy stems from the failure in our own spiritual education. If we don't understand prayer, holy books, religious interpretation, and ritual in our own lives, how can we understand them in others?" Naomi Riley, Til Faith Do Us Part.
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