How to get moving when you just don't feel like it! Good talk.
Motivation follows action--Act first then the motivation begins.
What else do we know about action first then testimony follows? Holy Ghost can't inspire and tell you that it's right if you don't do it first! Act first.
He says that sometimes we get the reverse, we are inspired and then we create, but it's RARE. And as professionals we must dive in and then motivation and inspiration comes.
Almost everytime we need to create we must act first! Our action code as Professionals is to advance and in that we discover motivation.
Three STEPS: Find them in this video and inspire the class.
1 Define your battle--figure out the outcome first. Not the project, not the task. (Begin with THE END IN MIND.)
What is the derivation of the word choose? TO CUT.
2 PRUNE Relentlessly - cut off new growth, if that bloom isn't pruned, it will steal resources from the strength of the stem. You succumb to systemic mediocrity when you can't say no. (PRIORITIZE is what number of the seven habits?)
3 Create a ritual, a trigger - a repeatable behavior that will make this thing happen. (HABIT) (Twila Tharp, coreographer writes a good book on this. Every day she gets in her dance clothes and calls a taxi and goes to the studio. What is the trigger? It's not the studio, it's the taxi. ) For him it is free writing - or five minute meditation before he starts.
The Accidental Creative
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